
Porto Climate Contract accelerates all decarbonisation paths

Last week, the municipality announced the progress of two projects that have proved fundamental to this endeavour: ASCEND and WAKE UP!.

Porto Climate Pact gets more and more signatories

The Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto and Too Good To Go are already part of the active community of partners.

Another two hundred trees lay the roots of the city's shared commitment to neutrality

Dozens of Porto Climate Pact subscribers plant trees in Parque de São Roque.

Public lighting is 30,000 times more sustainable

Thanks to a seven million euros investment, the municipality will be able to save 2.3 million euros on its electricity bill every year.

Municipality will enhance streams with climate change adaptation measures plan

The creation of retention basins and increasing the territory's permeability are some solutions pointed out by the Plan for the Valorisation and Rehabilitation of the Water Lines of the Municipality of Porto.

European Mayors show how climate change must be tackled with proximity policies

Among the leaders was the Deputy Mayor of Porto, Filipe Araújo, who is responsible for the Environment and Climate Transition.

Conversations Under 30: 'Porto residents are increasingly aware of environmental causes', Ana Rita Barros believes

With a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, she was recently chosen as an ambassador for the European Climate Pact.